PROPORTIONAL RELIEF Increasing Pressure with Increasing Current ■ Pilot operated spool-type design fits industry common cavity (10-2). ■ Relieving pressure output is proportional to DC current input. ■ Precise setting of factory preset pressure in energized mode. ■ One piece cartridge housing ensures internal concentricity. ■ Coil: Waterproof, hermetically sealed, requires no O’Rings; Symmetrical coil can be reversed without affecting performance. OPERATION This valve is a proportional pilot operated relief valve giving minimum relief pressure with zero input current to the coil. Increasing current to the coil increases the pilot relief setting proportionally allowing full flow relief proportional to the input current from nose to side. Measured at 30cSt 140 SSU (For cartridge only) UP TO 95 L/MIN 25 USGPM AND 350 BAR 5000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS AP04G2YP 10C AP04G2YP 21C AP04G2YP 35C PATENT #5,002,253 #5,156,184 #5,299,600 TO LOAD MINERAL OIL OR SYNTHETIC FLUID WITH LUBRICANT PROPERTIES 15-50 cSt 80-230 SSU 75% OF NOMINAL AMPERAGE, DETAILS: COIL DATA SHEET page 204 0.20 kg 0.44 lb 25 MICRONS (Nom.) OR BETTER RESPONSE TIME AT 75% OF NOMINAL VOLTAGE CHANGE (MEASURED TO 90% OF PRESSURE CHANGE) IDEAL VISCOSITY MINIMUM AMPERAGE TO OPERATE VALVE SERIES CC (‘P’ Coil) 19w PWM 250Hz MINIMUM (HIGHER FOR SMOOTHER OPERATION) SEAL MATERIAL/ TEMPERATURE FILTRATION CART. WEIGHT COIL WEIGHT NITRILE (Std.) -30°C to +100°C BUNA-N -20°F to +210°F VITON -20°C to +150°C -4°F to +330°F HYSTERESIS WITH PWM 250 Hz FACTORY SET RELIEF PRESSURE WHEN COIL DE- ENERGIZED (MEASURED AT 45 l/min. 12 USgpm) BASIC MODEL NUMBER SYMBOL NOMINAL FLOW AT P = 20 bar 300 psi WHEN COIL IS FULLY ENERGIZED 10C 95 l/min 25 USgpm 21C 35C 210 bar 3000 psi 103 bar 1500 psi 350 bar 5000 psi COIL AND DRIVER FLUID AP04G2YP TYPICAL PERFORMANCE PREFERABLE INSTALLATION <7% OF MAX. PRESSURE SETTING BELOW TANK OIL LEVEL OR HORIZONTALLY TO UNLOAD 10mSec. 45 mSec. 60 mSec. 80 mSec. TO LOAD TO LOAD 0.14 kg 0.31 lb ▲▲▲▲▲ PWM Current Regulator Recommended 19 5 38 10 76 20 57 15 95 25 274 4000 205 3000 68 1000 21 300 137 2000 0 0 Relief Pressure, bar psi Flow l/min USgpm RELIEF PERFORMANCE 345 5000 COIL FULLY ENERGIZED COIL DE-ENERGIZED -35 -21 -10 345 5000 0.30 0.15 12V 24V 0.90 0.45 0.60 0.30 1.20 0.60 274 4000 205 3000 68 1000 137 2000 0 CURRENT, AMP PRESSURE vs. INPUT CURRENT Measured at coil stabilized temperature and nominal flow Pressure, bar psi -35 -21 -10 2 1 属性 : 属性值 ; 规格 : AP04G2YR210C/CCP024D ; 主体材料 : 铸铁 ; 压力环境 : 常压 ; 形态 : 柱塞式 ; 驱动方式 : 电磁 ; 流动方向 : 单向 ; 连接形式 : 螺纹 ; 类型(通道位置) : 二通式 ; 工作温度 : 常温 ; 安装形式 : 螺纹 ; 公称通径 : 4(mm) ; 公称压力 : 21(MPa) ; 适用温度 : -40-+120(℃) ; 适用介质 : 油品 ; 产品别名 : 电磁比例阀 ; 适用范围 : 液压系统 ; ** : 丰兴 ; 型号 : AP04G2YR210C/CCP024D ; 材质 : 铸钢 ; 类型 : 比例阀 ; 加工定制 : 否 ;